I’m a go along, get along kind of person. I do not like controversy or relish confrontation. That doesn’t mean I won’t stand up for myself in a given situation, but at times, discretion is the better part of valor. Yes, sometimes it’s more profitable to walk away then stand and fight.
Our Plans and God’s Plans
God’s ways, not mine…God’s will, not mine. I use to be a long term planner. I had nearly every situation in life planned out and knew where ‘I’ was headed. I believed I had a great life complete in every way possible, that was until I met my Savior face to face.
God’s Recruitment Strategy for Leaders
Many years ago a pastor friend made this statement during one of his sermons, “If someone can write a check to solve your problem, then you don’t really have a problem.” Think about that, if you are in a tough spot in life, does it need man’s hand, something another person can do for you, or does it need divine intervention?
The Art of Waiting
The Lord speaks to us in many ways. Henry Blackaby explained it this way, “God speaks by the Holy Spirit through the Bible, prayer, circumstances and the church to reveal His purposes and His ways.” (Experiencing God, page 57) I have found this to be an absolute truth and is individualized, in one degree or another, to each of us based on how He has wired our personalities.
Gideon’s Success Test
From the beginning, God’s hand has been on our business. The success we enjoy point to Him and is all to His glory. One could say the odds have been stacked against us from the start. With very limited knowledge of the video industry, no money, no real sponsors or advertisers, we have come from very humble beginnings to a place of great honor in our sport. Our capabilities are starting to rival other, well known, production companies.
Putting Our Plans Before God
Over the last few days, I’ve heard a consistent theme of, ‘caution’ and ‘pride’. Proverbs 16:18 Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall. I have watched that proverb play out in churches, ministries and businesses. As Christ followers become successful in life, there is a great danger we will look to our own abilities and understanding instead of placing our hope and strength in the Lord.
From Pain to Destiny
Right before I returned to the Fathers house, my professional life was at its peak. I had attained all of the goals I had set out for myself earlier in life. I would soon sew on the chevrons of Chief Master Sargent, the highest rank available for an enlisted person in the US Air Force. I held a position of exceptional authority as the top enlisted aircrew member responsible for the management of over 3500 enlisted flight personnel for the Air Force Reserve’s. Life was good, or at least it appeared to be to all of those around me.