It's not about making a point…let's make a difference


Trained for War

During my military days, we used the term ‘quick turn’ as a way of expressing the minimum time on the ground before we sent an airplane on to it’s next destination. We are in ‘quick turn’ mode at Motormania TV as we head into a very busy summer for both of our teams. Often during our short stays at home, we will enjoy a meal out…last night was one of those evenings.

We headed off to a favorite local eateries for dinner. As we were seated, we met a pleasant young lady who would be our waitress for the evening. As she took our drink order, she made a comment about the shirt I was wearing. I had on my ‘Not A Fan’ shirt from the book by Kyle Idleman. I explained the meaning of the shirt, (Not A Fan means, I’m not a fan of Jesus, I’m a follower, there is a significant difference.) She was intrigued by that thought which lead to a conversation about our faith.

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Recalibrate Route!

I love this statement from today’s devotional, ‘God’s omnipotence is always one step ahead of our incompetence.’ What a comfort it is to know that even if we mess up, the Lord can fix it.

I truly believed I was a lost cause…that there was no way for me to return to the Fathers house or to be of any use to God. I had made so many bad choices in life, I just figured I was damned no matter what. I had no idea how great the grace of our Lord is…through that, all was forgiven.

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Managing Money

I guard against making money anything more than an ability to pay my bills and live each month as the Lord sees fit. Paul said to the Philippians in chapter 4 verse 12 ‘I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.’

Money can be the root of all evil or it can be a great blessing. I believe it’s a matter of perspective, how about you?

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Washing Toilets

Matt 25:23 “His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’

In the parable of the talents, Jesus is telling us to use the skills we have to accomplish the work at hand. In His timing, he will promote you to the next level. This is what we have done in our business. In a relatively short period of time (less than 3 years), we went from obscurity to being the front runner in streaming live drag racing events. It still boggles my mind. There is no doubt how or why it happened…to God goes all the glory!

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A Two-Way Relationship

I have become dependent on the Lord for direction in my life. I’m not talking the small things like what to wear or eat, I’m talking how and what He would have me do with my life. The only way that is possible is through my relationship with Him. My walk is a daily journey, He is my constant companion.

There was a time when I had no desire to listen to what the Lord had to say regardless of the circumstances. I was in charge, I decided on what I would do. Now, I could not imagine my life without His direction. I have no desire to do life without Him.

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The Plans of Tomorrow

Owning a business has been a very difference experience for me after spending nearly 30 years in the military. During my years in the service, the mission was pretty clear cut with fairly well defined boundaries. Very different from what we are doing now, especially during this year of expansion.

Our job is a lot like being on a crab boat…the only difference is the cold weather and Bearing sea. You work when it’s hot, rainy (set up and teardown), when you don’t feel good and when stuff is going on at home…it’s all part of it. At least if you breakdown, you don’t have to worry about drifting in the ocean!

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Read The Bible in A Year
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