Being Fully Persuaded
I can’t help but wonder who the Lord is speaking to with the last few devotionals. Faith, trust, discernment and acting when He tells us is the common theme.
I have found our Father to be faithful in His words and action. When He directs me to do something, He opens the doors and provides the means to accomplish what He is asking me to do. It is my responsibility to ‘get out of the boat’.
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That Thing – Pastor Steven Furtick
God’s power is unlimited, and as Christians we know there is nothing too big or difficult for Him. Yet, when we call on God, pleading with Him to fix that thing that’s broken or hurting in our lives, we have a hard time believing our own prayers. But God knows our deepest needs, and when He answers our prayers in His way, He does more than change our lives – He heals our hearts. In this sermon, Pastor Steven uses a profound event in Jesus’s life to teach us that, even when our faith is shaken, God is not. And when we bring our most desperate prayers to Christ, His answers are greater than we could imagine.
Making Decisions by Hearing God
As my walk with the Lord has grown, I have learned it is far easier to listen and obey than to try and figure out all God has planned for me and those around me.
We are at the second stop of Motormania TV’s Northern Lights Tour 2014, 7 races in 7 weeks over 7900 miles. As we rolled out of base 10 days ago, I wasn’t sure how the Lord would handle all of our financial needs. Yes, the money was in accounts receivable, but not in the bank. Yet I knew in my heart the Lord would make it all work, just not sure how. Much to our surprise, a customer paid his invoice 2 weeks early which helped meet our needs.
Faithfulness in Our Calling
Arrogance and pride are two attitudes we must guard against at all times. Proverbs 16:18 “Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall” I have watched the mantle of the Lord removed from ministers time and time again because they believed they were above the rules.
I remember a discussion with a few fellow ministers some years ago. We were talking about making mistakes in life and disappointing those we ministered to. The common response was “well I’m human and you just need to get over me disappointing you, it happens.” I was speechless…the arrogance of that statement astounded me. When you start to think ‘you’re all that and a bag of chips’, you are in serious trouble.
Moving Ahead of God
No one is better at convincing me I should do something than me. I could get it in my head that this is the direction I need to go and there would be very little that could convince me NOT to do something once I had made up my mind. That led to me buy things I did not need to impress people I did not know with money I did not have. The result was a debt that I am just climbing out of 16 years later.
When God Speaks
Yes, I heard an audible voice…was it the Lord speaking to me? There is no other explanation. My journey back to the Fathers house was almost complete. I could see it in the distance. He had been drawing me for months through the teachings of the two pastors at our church. I was living under constant conviction of the double life I led for so many years. At home I was a father and husband who gave the appearance of being a really good guy that cared about his family. Yes, I loved my children and wife, but I led a double life…the reality was very different.
At home I was dad and husband…on the road I was a wild man that partied like a rock star, drinking and carousing when not working. On the night I heard His voice it was a simple request, “Don’t drink tonight, watch what goes on with your friends.” What I saw would forever changed my life.