It's not about making a point…let's make a difference


Washing Toilets

Matt 25:23 “His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’

In the parable of the talents, Jesus is telling us to use the skills we have to accomplish the work at hand. In His timing, he will promote you to the next level. This is what we have done in our business. In a relatively short period of time (less than 3 years), we went from obscurity to being the front runner in streaming live drag racing events. It still boggles my mind. There is no doubt how or why it happened…to God goes all the glory!

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A Two-Way Relationship

I have become dependent on the Lord for direction in my life. I’m not talking the small things like what to wear or eat, I’m talking how and what He would have me do with my life. The only way that is possible is through my relationship with Him. My walk is a daily journey, He is my constant companion.

There was a time when I had no desire to listen to what the Lord had to say regardless of the circumstances. I was in charge, I decided on what I would do. Now, I could not imagine my life without His direction. I have no desire to do life without Him.

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The Plans of Tomorrow

Owning a business has been a very difference experience for me after spending nearly 30 years in the military. During my years in the service, the mission was pretty clear cut with fairly well defined boundaries. Very different from what we are doing now, especially during this year of expansion.

Our job is a lot like being on a crab boat…the only difference is the cold weather and Bearing sea. You work when it’s hot, rainy (set up and teardown), when you don’t feel good and when stuff is going on at home…it’s all part of it. At least if you breakdown, you don’t have to worry about drifting in the ocean!

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Changed Into A Different Person

Unfortunately, what I see of most Christ followers today are what I have deemed the ‘quarter pounders’. They want God as long as it doesn’t negatively impact their lifestyle. Makes me wonder if they know Him at all.

I have one question for you today, if you were put on trial for being a child of the King, would there be enough evidence to convict you?

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An Encounter With God

Are you seeking an answer to a situation in your life? Then you must get alone with the Lord and seek Him with all of your heart. You must come to the end of yourself. Once you are beyond your own abilities, that is when the Lord can do His greatest work. This is what I have encountered time after time when I needed an answer to a situation. I first had to realize that I could not do anything in the natural to change the issue or find a solution to a problem.

We just experienced this with a weekend where we needed to find an additional camera operator. I tried and tried, for over a month, to find this person with zero results. Just when I was about to call the race promoter to let them know we did not have a solution to cover their event, the date for one of the races on that weekend was changed eliminating the problem.

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I was raised on the belief that you give an honest days work for an honest days wage. If you are unwilling to put forth the effort to do a job correctly, then do not bother to do the job at all. You must be willing to ‘sign your name’ to anything you do that all would know you did the job. Not so you would gain some type of man made glory, but that you would be seen as a person of integrity and accountability.

Paul tells us In Colossians 3:23 Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters. The world owes us nothing. The government owes us nothing. The sooner our society understands the famous words of President Kennedy, “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country” the sooner we will rebuild a country in ruin and change a mentality of entitlement to one of values and ideals.

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