Casting Crowns “Thrive” LIVE
The subject of wisdom has been on my mind for a few days. That normally means the Lord wants me to see or hear something or pass it along to others. The bible has much to say about wisdom and how important it is to us. Todays devotional speaks significant truths about wisdom and shows the timelessness of God’s word.
How Solid is Your Foundation?
Life is tough at times…that was the understatement of the day. It seems that today, life is more complicated, more involved and has more moving parts than ever before. Instant gratification has become the norm in our ‘microwave’ society. While the world has taught us what it says we should expect in life, it has done a very poor job of teaching us how to handle adversity, how to wait or how to persevere. The world would have us point our finger at someone or something to explain why we did not get our way or did not reach our goal. We have become of society unwilling to accept responsibility for our actions.
When Others Disappoint You
A few years back, we went through a period of time that sealed our ability to trust the Lord completely. We had been working with one organization streaming their races when we were suddenly, and without explanation, removed as the streaming provider for their live feed.
It was a very hurtful time. We felt abandoned by all around us in the business and were not sure what to do next, let alone how to pay our bills. The Lord saw us through that time and has prospered our company. It would be that break through moment that moved us to the next level. What others had meant for evil, He used for good. It was our Joseph moment.
Jonathan Thulin “Coat of Arms” LIVE
God versus Mammon
Yesterday, a young couple stopped by the house for a short visit on their way to an overnight getaway. As we caught up the husband explained he had shutdown his construction business to concentrate on taking care of their 2 daughters and leading worship at 2 local churches. He had taken on a project last fall that appeared it would be an easy and quick financial windfall for his family.
While he certainly made some profit, it was not an easy or simple task with numerous setbacks and problems along the way. He explained he had not ‘prayed through it’ before taking on the project. Had he, he believes the Lord would have told him not to take the job. It was a lesson in who his provider is. While his motives were right, his heart was not led by the Father.
Your Position Is a Result of Your Actions
Reputation is everything in the business world. If you consistently don’t pay your bills on time, fulfill your contracts or keep your word, you might as well close the doors and do something else for a living. I have written about this in the past, however there is a need for us to understand this today more than ever on a personal and business level especially as Christ followers.
Integrity first, service before self and excellence in all we do is the standard for our company. We do everything possible to make certain we uphold those standards. We understand one bad mark wipes out all the good you’ve done because nobody remembers the things you did right, only the things you fell short on.