It's not about making a point…let's make a difference


Check Your Armor

I believe our company is at a very critical point. As we grow and prosper, there is an inherent tendency to loose focus on how we got where we are and who brought us here. I have written before about one of my biggest fears…the fear of thinking I can do this on my own and forgetting to give glory to the Lord.

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Starting Over

Last night we took the opportunity to attend a friends church here at home. Sometime during the day my wife suggested we attend the Wednesday evening service. At first I was not very keen on the idea because of the amount of work we have on our plate and the short time we have between events. That being said, I sensed the leading of the Holy Spirit through her suggestion, so agreed we should go…I’m glad we did.

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Are You a Romans 8:14 Christian?

Several years ago, a pastor friend was asked by a church member why the member was no longer hearing from the Lord. The pastor looked at him and said this, “It’s been my experience that when the Lord stops speaking to you, you need to go back to the last place you said no to Him and say yes.”

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Preparation in Arabia

After we retired from military service, the Lord had us sell or give away everything we owned with the exception of a few odds and ends. Not only did He separate us from our stuff, He removed our deep dependency on the military and the way of life we had become accustom to over nearly 30 years of service.

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Real Customer Service

Talk is cheap…action speak louder than words. While it never hurts to do the ‘wind work’, as my grandpa use to say, when it’s time to get the job done, then it’s time to stop talking and put your shoulder to the plow and get after it. That’s how I was raised.

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I’m not ready!

I was heavily involved in training new aircrew members during my career in the Air Force. From initial flight training all the way through full qualification, there was very little I was not a part of. There were checks and balances throughout the training cycle that ensured these individuals knew their jobs and could perform them without fail.

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Read The Bible in A Year
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