It's not about making a point…let's make a difference


The Difficulty of Obedience

There are many stories of obedience in the bible. Some show remarkable courage on an individual or individuals part and others shows what happens when you don’t do as the Lord has commanded. Below are two such stories that exemplify both sides of obedience. The willing servant and the reluctant servant.

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When You Love Somebody

It was the fall of 1984, our oldest son had just been born. One of the hit songs of the year was ‘You’re the Inspiration’ from Chicago’s 17th album. That tune would define my wife’s love for her new born and ultimately become their song. Just the other day, she searched through Youtube to find just the right version to send him to express how much she loves him. He lives in another state now and just had his first child.

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Diversity in the Body, Gifts

Not everybody can sing or play an instrument or speaks eloquently or is good with kids or the youth or the 20 somethings or understands technology. Each individual is equipped with a given set of skills. Very rarely do you meet some who does all of the above well less alone someone who can do more 3 or 4 of these things with excellence. However, it’s been my experience that we can all do at least one thing well.

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Diversity in the Body, Impact

Consistency in attending a local assembly is difficult for anyone who follows any type of racing circuit. It does not matter if you are an official, race team member or vendor, getting plugged in is nearly impossible, especially if you move between the various circuits like we do at MotorMania TV.

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Diversity in the Body, Where?

One of the most unique things about being a Christ follower is the ability to do minister anywhere you travel and use any medium available to man. You don’t need a complex set of tools, a fancy building, state of the art sound and video system or the best praise and worship team on the planet…all you need is Jesus.

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Diversity in the Body, Who?

I know many pastors across North America and a few in other countries. Their callings are as diverse as the people on the planet and come from many walks of life. Each one is uniquely gifted to reach a certain segment of mankind.

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Read The Bible in A Year
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