Presumption Versus Faith
Stand down! I’ve heard that said many times over the years in person, on TV and the radio. It’s always said in a command voice and means to urgently stop doing whatever you are doing and step back from the situation or person. It nearly always is meant to prevent harm or death, especially in a military of police setting.
Second Chances
Many years ago I preached a sermon titled ‘The King of Second Chances’. It was based on King David’s fall from grace and subsequent repentance and forgiveness. The scripture I used was Psalm 51:7-17 where David sought the Lords forgiveness for his sins and asked Him to restore his joy.
Beware of the Thief
As we head into the home stretch of summer. Many folks will be looking to take that last break before the kids go back to school or the fall hits with all of it’s various activities. These are the times we must remember to stay close to the Lord.
Finding Favour “Cast My Cares”
Getting Refueled
Our schedule can be grueling at times. This year we’ve been gone more than ever. While we are not necessarily streaming more events, the way the schedule lays out, it just makes sense to stay out on the road instead of going home between the races. While that in it’s self presents a different set of circumstances we have to deal with, the biggest thing we must do is find time to rest.
Is Perception Reality?
Since starting to write these devotionals a few years back, I have penned a couple about the perception of our current situation. Life can often give us the sense that it is completely out of control. Everything around you may seem like your are in a death spiral and nothing can be done to change it. This was the case for me in the fall of 2008.
Servant Leadership
From my earliest remembering’s, I felt I was destine to do great things in life. I strove for greatness, constantly looking for significance in my life, trying to understand who and what I was suppose to be.