Hearing God’s Voice
Before I gave my life over to the Lord, I considered myself a Christian. I went to church nearly every week, practiced what we’ve affectionately termed the ‘holy days of obligation’ and basically looked like a Christian to the world. The key word here is ‘looked’ like a Christian.
Lincoln Brewster “There is Power”
Belief or Unbelief
Some years ago I was looking for a way to express the definition of faith outside of the scriptures…to put it in the vernacular so to speak. I don’t remember where I found this, but it hit the nail on the head. “Faith is believing in what you can’t see, following a voice you can’t prove you heard and living by principles that God says are true but don’t make sense in this world.”
Special Callings
As more and more people opt to not attend a house of worship, the marketplace Christ follower has once again become the frontline representative of our Lord. Just as it was in the early days of the Christian movement, it seems we, merchants of the modern era, have returned to being the example of Christ to the world.
A Heavenly Strategic Planning Session
Letting go of my plan for my life was the hardest thing I ever had to do. I figured if I turned my life over to the Lord, He would wreck it and I would end up as a missionary in some unknown foreign country in a jungle filled with snakes and all kinds of creepy crawly things. It has been far from anything like that.
Prosperity in Afflictions
If you find yourself in a hard place, ask the Lord what He wants you to learn from it so you can grow and gain knowledge and experience for where He is taking you.
Avoiding Detours
A few weeks ago I was listening to a message about the plans the Lord has for each one of us. The pastor brought out many great points about how the Lord uses the circumstances of life as one of the many ways He guides us along the path. As he developed the message, he quoted a statement a friend made to him several years ago, “The only thing harder than waiting on God is wishing you had.” Read that statement again and let it sink in…