It's not about making a point…let's make a difference


A Good Good Father

I’m reminded this morning that not only is He the God of the universe, but He is a Father who loves us beyond anything we can comprehend. Spend a few minutes this morning worshiping Him!

Struggling in the Dog Days

Phil 3:14 ‘I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.’

It’s hot, humid and buggy in the racing business in the late summer and early fall. It seems like it rains more often which puts everyone on edge…the racers, promoters, track operators and media crews small and large. I have found when the bone-weary days hit, we must be on high alert against the attacks of the enemy. It’s easy to become discouraged when you’re tired, it’s late at night and you have to much time to ponder the motives of those around you which are usually nothing more than a figment of your imagination.

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Business as Ministry

Today is a day for us to shine in our business like never before. Not because we do not bring our best every time we do our job, but because the enemy is sending his minions to try and kill, crush and destroy us. I have no need to get into any specifics because they simply do not matter. Today we will be the light of Christ on our world through our actions.

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Waiting On God

I wrote my original post on this topic 2 years ago today. As I explained in the devotional, the work He is doing in me was far from complete. It continues today and has gotten more intense as we navigate the waters of life and business. I have found I am required to be more generous in forgiveness, extend more grace, demonstrate more patience and show unconditional love like never before. More of Him and less of me. Am I making progress, yes, still many miles to go before we are done.

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Being An Overcomer

For whatever reason, this year has been harder than the last few. I know I have written about the mechanically and technical challenges our company has experienced, but not of the attacks of a new company that has badgered promoters to move from our company to theirs for their streaming needs. We were even told they intended to put all of their competition ‘out of business’.

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A Faithful Man

Faith has been and will always be the biggest factor in our lives as Christ followers. It is difficult to hold on to the Lord when man is telling you to do something different. Man is success driven. Where is the next mountain to climb or the next area to be conquered? You are in control, you have to make the decisions, you are responsible for the outcome. These are the lies of the enemy of our souls.

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Making the Lord Our Banner

Life is crazier today than it has ever been. The world seems to be spiraling out of control at every turn and the financial hits just keep on coming for our teams. Between lost jobs, a need to replace or repair equipment, it makes you want to go screaming into the night. If not that, at least you’d look at the circumstances of life and decide YOU need to do something to handle your problems.

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Read The Bible in A Year
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