It's not about making a point…let's make a difference


Forgiveness Ensures Freedom

“See to it that no one misses the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many.” – Hebrews 12:15

During my military years moving from one assignment to another was the norm. Depending on your job, you could be more susceptible to an assignment based on the needs of the service. As you rose in rank and skill, opportunities would present themselves to better your career and resume. This would gain you breath of experience which would in turn help you with the promotion boards.

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The Power of Relationship

“I want to know Christ and the power of His resurrection….” – Philippians 3:10

The start of this year has been a little harder than normal. We left in late January for our first event and worked the next 4 weeks with no break to speak of. By the time we got to our last event, our ‘speed week’ of drag racing, we were tired. After 7 days at that event, we were bone tired and looking forward to our week at home.

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Unexplainable Power

Yesterday the Lord asked me to do something I did not want to do, offer a competitor assistance with his program. It took a while to find the correct words to ensure they knew our willingness to help was genuine. I felt a little foolish and exposed, but knowing the consequences of disobedience outweighed any possible humiliation from this group. They were gracious in their reply, but declined my offer.

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Battleground of the Mind

“So letting your sinful nature control your mind leads to death. But letting the Spirit control your mind leads to life and peace.” -Romans 8:6

When you’re waiting for God’s timing, the enemy will work his hardest to bring doubt and condemnation into your mind. This is the place I find myself today, struggling with the ‘what ifs’ of tomorrow compounded by the ‘what dids’ of yesterday. The enemy will use the truths of your past to condemn you.

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Seeing A Greater Purpose In Adversity

There are days I’d rather be off doing something different with my life. Something that would allow me some leisure time, the ability to make more money, have a few more days off and heck, maybe race my car that’s sitting in storage. But that is not His plan for us at this point in life. Instead we have chosen to embrace this place He has us and do what He has called us to do, be an example of His grace and mercy in our community.

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Thirsting After God

There are times when those around me, in Christendom and the business world, are basking in great success while we toil away day after day, month after month, year after year in what seems like relative obscurity. There are times when I wonder if there is any lasting impact from our efforts. If it sounds like I’m a little jealous of others success, I am. Not green with envy kind of jealous, but a deep reflection on what real difference we are making as we walk the path He has laid before us. When I start to feel this way, the Lord is quick to show me the influence we’ve had in both worlds.

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The Purpose of Crucibles

By far, this has been the strangest off season we’ve had since we started our business. At times it seems as if all we’ve been doing is wandering around with no direction. We know that is not true. Every season of life has a purpose, even if we are not sure what that purpose might be.

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Read The Bible in A Year
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