It's not about making a point…let's make a difference


Ready, Set – GO!

As we get ready to look out our door and experience the new normal, it can be a pretty scary place for all of us. Are you concerned, need a shot of faith and reassurance? Then check in tomorrow morning at 8:25 to hear from the Lord on what’s next.

Now What??

Exactly, now what Lord, what would you have us do? I know that thought has raced through my mind the last week. Join me Sunday at 8:25 to hear what I’ve heard from the Lord this week about our next moves.

Keep Walking…

Life will hand you good days and bad. It seems lately there’s been more bad than good. What’s a person to do, more importantly, what’s a Christ follower suppose to do. Join me at 8:25 Sunday morning to hear how we are handling it in our house.

This, Too, Shall Pass

The last few weeks have been hard for all of us, regardless of where you live on our little planet. Let me remind you this did not catch our Father off guard or by surprise.

Join us at 8:25 Sunday morning to here what the Lord has to say about things happening in the world.

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