On the front of the motorhome is a license plate Joanne found several years ago. It has a simple statement on it, “Tell the Kids I love them” God.
Love God, love people has been our battle cry as we walk through life. We must allow the Love of our Savior to shine through in all situations. Will it be tough at times, absolutely. When I’m tired, upset or busy is the time when the enemy will do his best to steal my joy and make me angry.
Suffering for the Salvation of Another
Recently, one of the local Christian musicians we know had a song of his picked up by the Christian radio stations K-Love. I first heard the song a few weeks back and thought to myself, “Hey I know that guy!”. His name is JJ Weeks and you can listen to the song, ‘Let Them See You’ on Youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kJhK39RVmQ8
It started as a prayer that JJ said every morning. He wanted people to see the Christ in him, he wants his actions to be Christ like in everything he does. Over a 2 year period, that prayer turned into a song and is now being played on a national level.
Everyday Miracles
The rush of modern life constantly over takes our lives. We rarely get a moments peace where we can gather our thoughts or look around us and simply enjoy life. Last week I was given nearly 5 hours where there were no tasks on my plate and no noise in the house.
I took that time to settle my spirit and gather my thoughts for the coming weeks. It is in these moments that I can stop and appreciate all that has happened and is happening in my life.
Third Day – You Are My Everything
Confidence in Numbers
There is little doubt in our minds that 2014 is going to be a year of exceptional growth and success for our business. It would be easy to sit back and enjoy the fruit of our labor, that will not be the case for us.
Recently I read a statement by the performer Sting made during a TV interview some years ago. He said, “Success and happiness are not the same thing.” He turned, looked directly into the camera and said, “I’m going to repeat that. Success and happiness are not the same thing”.
Faith Versus Presumption
How do you make big decisions in your life? I’m not talking about what clothes to wear or food to eat, I’m talking about BIG decisions like should I marry that girl or buy a new truck or take my company in this or that direction type of BIG decisions.
In our house, if we are going to spend big dollars on something, it will go through a round of discussions before we decide one way or the other. My wife is the greatest sounding board I have when it comes to these types of decisions. Yes, I’m ultimately responsible, but would never consider making any big decision without her input. She has a very keen level of discernment I see in only a few other people in my life. When I’m looking at life through rose colored glasses, she helps me see things clearly.
Every year the school I attended hosted a talent contest. It had categories that ranged from model car building to singing and just about everything in between. One year a friend and I decided we would enter the singing contest. We would bring our own rendition of the national anthem. We found an empty class room and started belting out the anthem.
We were doing a bang up job of singing (poorly mind you) when a student appeared at the door wondering exactly what was going on. His teacher had sent him from the adjacent room to see if we could tone it down a little! We had both forgotten how thin the walls where and how our voices would carry into the surrounding class rooms.