It's not about making a point…let's make a difference


Talk About It, Crash the Chatterbox – Week 6

We hear a lot of stuff, from a lot of different sources. When a relationship fails, a business venture falls through, or we hear something about ourselves that was hard to take — how do we know if it is God’s voice or the enemy’s that we’re listening to? In the final part of our series Crash the Chatterbox, Pastor Steven led a question and answer session, and reminded us that no matter what we face, if we turn our hearts to God for guidance, He will be there with us.

Discerning the Work of God

Many people find a predictable life very comforting. Although boring at times, there is safety in routine. That mind set can become the most dangerous and damaging thought process we as Christ followers can embrace. Life, people, situations are constantly changing as the world changes around us. Mark Twain said, “Nobody likes change except a wet baby.” Change can be hard at times, very hard.

The business world is no exception to the rules of change. It’s like giving birth to an elephant, 22 months of gestation followed by lots of screaming and mess. This has been our experience in how webcasting drag racing events has been accepted. At first people had no idea what we could do or the impact it could have, so they opted to not be involved. As the days and months turned into years, we saw a gradual change in attitudes.

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Death and Birth of a Vision

In February of 2006, I helped a friend stream the first sportsman level drag racing event over the web. We had a joint vision to bring the hero’s of sportsman drag racing to the public eye.

Over the next 2 years, we would stream numerous races and events related to drag racing. In October of 2007, we streamed our last race together. After nearly 2 years, we just could not make it work, no matter how hard we tried. My buddy went back to work in television and I went to school to start a course of study for a degree in computer technology.

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Following Only the Father’s Commands

A few years back we had serious discussions with family and friends about pioneering a church in rural New York. There was keen interest by several families to explore the possibilities. We actually found a few reasonably priced empty church facilities available for sale. Many things would have to happen for us to do this, but it’s been our experience that if the Lord wants it and you are willing, then everything falls in place.

Our discussions started in late August early September. I expected it to take a year, maybe less for us to work through all of the particulars of selling our home in Georgia and moving north. My prayer was, “Lord show us what You would have us do.”

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This Time, Crash the Chatterbox – Week 5

Few things will derail us faster from the plan God has for our lives than discouragement. The enemy wants us to believe the discouraging words he puts in our heads and our hearts. But the truth is, God has given us everything we need to silence those thoughts that hold us back every day. In part 5 of our series Crash the Chatterbox, Pastor Steven’s wife Holly Furtick examines the Biblical story of Leah, and teaches us six ways to use what God has already shown us to quickly counter the discouraging chatter we face everyday.

The First Requirement of Ministry

I’ve always had a heart for the underdogs in life. Maybe it’s because I’ve always viewed myself as one or perhaps it’s the thing that troubles me the most in life when I see those without a voice get forgotten or trampled on.

Sportsman drag racers are a great example of the forgotten masses that make up the backbone of the sport around the world. They get very limited coverage in the major publications and basically zero real TV coverage. The simple truth is without them, there would be no after market industry in drag racing. This lack of coverage was the driving force for us to starting and then

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Love God, Love People

Love God, love people…that is the consistent theme I’m hearing and reading today. As I scrolled down through Facebook this morning, that was what I saw and was reading. Even in the devotionals today, it was the same type of word, love God, love people.

There have been discussions about forgiveness, messages about missing loved ones, friends, church families and various other expressions of love for each other to include God’s love for us.

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