Being Led by God
In the fall of 2012, we found ourselves at a crossroads. We had been visiting family in New York when we ran across a local church facility for sale. We stopped and looked around the outside of the building and then walked the property to get a sense of what the Lord might want to do there. We already knew what the inside looked like since we had attended a wedding there a few years back and family had served as ministers on the staff.
We had a meeting to discuss this with family and friends in the area that surprised all of us, there was an anointing of the Holy spirit that we could not deny. Whether or not this was the right facility was not the question, but, did our Father want us to birth a church in this area? Looking at this through our eyes, it made sense. However, our Lord’s ways are not our ways.
We knew it would take a year, perhaps a little less, to get our lives in order to make the move. Lots of planning, lots of prayer, lots of preparation would be needed but first we knew we had to hear from Poppa on what to do. It was time to pray…and the Lord answered. The doors started to swing wide open for the business, to the point we could not fill all of the requests. Not only was there more opportunity than ever before, we sensed we would need to start a second team in the next year or two to handle the demand. We had our answer.
That, as Paul Harvey would say, “Is the rest of the story” and how the Lord moved us from a pulpit to market place ministry. Not every good thing is a God thing. Will I ever ministering in a local assembly again? I honestly do not know. For now, I will do the work the Lord has given me and spread the Good News of Jesus Christ everywhere I go.
Being Led by God
TGIF Today God Is First Volume 2 by Os Hillman
“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the LORD. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts” (Isaiah 55:8,9).
How do you know what thoughts are your thoughts versus God’s thoughts? One of the great paradoxes of walking with God is discerning the difference between a “natural idea” versus a “God-idea.” One of my mentors challenged me one day to make sure that my ideas and the actions I take are directed by God and not from my own reasoning. But being in a marketing profession, there is a constant rub between the “natural” and the “spiritual.”
There are three places from which a thought or idea originate: 1) Our natural man, 2) Satan, and 3) The Holy Spirit. There are a few ways to discern from which place a thought is coming. If a thought comes into your mind that you know you would never have thought of, and it might be something you would not normally consider doing. This is likely God speaking.
I once participated in a conference when an offering was being taken to make up for a poorly organized event that left the organizers very short on funds. It was clearly a case of poor management. Nevertheless, I prayed. I assumed I would give a token gift. However, the figure that suddenly came into my mind was $1,000. I argued with God and struggled with my attitude. I thought He must have two zeros out of place! But I obeyed – as I knew that was not my idea.
In order to be obedient, we must not make advance decisions about a particular matter. Each of our decisions must be submitted to the Lord for His counsel to us, not just based on our reasoning.